Referral Rewards

Earn Up to $700 for Referrals

  1. Spread the word: Share your experience with Imagineerz@School, both in person and online. Don’t forget to tag us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!
  2. Track your referral: We ask every teacher or principal, “How did you hear about us?” when they complete a purchase form.
  3. Receive rewards:
    • Classroom License: For every new teacher/principal who mentions you when buying a classroom license, we’ll send you a $100 Amazon gift card.
    • School License: For every new teacher/principal who mentions you when buying a school license, we’ll send you a $700 Amazon gift card.

Share what resonates most with your experience. If you need inspiration, consider these concise blurbs:

  1. “Integrate STEM and SEL with @imagineerz_learning! This program offers 10 hands-on design challenges per grade, seamlessly blending social-emotional learning with NGSS-aligned STEM concepts. #imagineerz #designthinking #STEMSEL
  2. “Ready-to-use STEM and SEL lessons for grades K-5! @imagineerz_learning integrates video-based design challenges with CASEL-aligned social-emotional learning to build creativity, confidence, and resilience. #SELinAction #STEMEducation
  3. “SEL in action with @imagineerz_learning: Students collaborate on STEM challenges, learning design thinking while building relationship skills, responsible decision-making, and self-management. #designthinkingprocess #SELforKids
  4. “Looking for an easy way to teach both STEM and SEL? @imagineerz_learning has video lessons for K-5 that include engaging design challenges, teaching problem-solving, teamwork, and emotional regulation. #CreativeKids #Confidence
  5. “Teach engineering and empathy with @imagineerz_learning! Our program offers 60 challenges to meet NGSS Engineering Design Standards while promoting self-management and relationship skills. #growthmindsetclassroom #STEMSEL
  6. “Empower K-5 students with @imagineerz_learning: Project-based learning that integrates SEL skills into design challenges, reinforcing emotional regulation, teamwork, and adaptability. #ConfidentKids #STEMandSEL
  7. @imagineerz_learning combines STEM and SEL: Video lessons help students apply CASEL-aligned skills to design challenges, enhancing problem-solving, resilience, and creativity. #STEMandSEL #SELinAction
  8. “Hands-on STEM learning with @imagineerz_learning! Video lessons teach design challenges while fostering self-management, responsible decision-making, and collaboration. #stemforkids #GrowthMindset
  9. @imagineerz_learning‘s K-5 curriculum blends STEM challenges with SEL skills. Learn through action, improving relationship skills and critical thinking. #SELforKids #CreativeProblemSolving
  10. “NGSS-aligned @imagineerz_learning offers 10 challenges per grade, embedding SEL within STEM. Students build confidence, resilience, and creativity through design thinking. #designchallenge #STEMSEL
  • Referral rewards apply only to new school or classroom license purchases.
  • You can receive a reward for referring your own school.
  • There is no limit on referrals; you’ll get a reward for every new classroom or school that purchases a license through your referral.

Imagineerz Learning has been a passion project that has grown organically for over a decade. Now, with the launch of all six of our K-5 modules we want to share our integrated STEM and SEL experiences beyond the Bay Area. Help us grow our community authentically by spreading the word.


Email [email protected] for further information.