Imagineerz Learning
Why Imagineerz?

Girl with Believe Sunglasses

Rooted in Research

Walter D. Wintle once said: “Life’s battles don’t always go to the faster or the stronger man. But sooner or later the man who wins is the man who thinks he can!”


Stanford professor Dr. Carol Dweck’s research found that children who believe they can increase their intelligence do better at school. At Imagineerz, our core mission is to help children develop an i-Can! mindset!

Leveraging the Power of Storytelling

Positive attitude is not a switch you can flip. It has to be a way of living — the way we think, talk, and act in the world.


At Imagineerz, we develop original i-Can! stories to drive home that point. And our campers take home the messages from these stories after camp is over.

Campers Being Silly (Landscape)
Responding to "I'm Bored."

Flipping "Success" on Its Head

We teach child-friendly strategies to make overcoming obstacles feel less daunting.


Our consistent use of phrases such as STOP Sign and ImagiGO helps kids identify what is holding them back and how to overcome it – whether they are struggling with their makerspace creations or their role in the performance.

Intentionally Hands-Off

When there are no instructions, children will… get creative. Our environment is carefully designed to facilitate creativity and problem solving.


We don’t give our campers specific tools or instructions on what they should build. We give them access to a wide range of materials and let each camper decide what they want to build and how.

Cardboard DJ (Landscape)
Parents Attending Workshop (Landscape)

Language That Works

How do we know? They’ve said so! “I find myself asking my kid ‘looks like you are stuck, what’s your next baby step?’ and it actually works!”

Parents have loved our language and strategies their kids learn in camp. It gives them the tools needed to communicate with their children about goals, failures, approach, and attitude.

Our Counselors Love Counseling

“Would this counselor be a positive role model for my child?” It’s the question we ask every time we consider someone for the job. Our counselors take the time to sit down, listen, talk, and build relationships.

Recruiting is the activity we spend the most time on before summer begins. We hire for a positive attitude and look for counselors who are truly supportive, energetic, and fun.

Counselors and Campers Having Fun