Free Lessons

Budget about 1 hour and 15 minutes for each lesson.

To run a lesson:

  1. Lay Out Materials
  2. Play Video. Each video lesson is broken into three parts:
    • A 15 minute introduction to a STEM challenge
    • A 30-45 minute timer for students to work on their projects
    • A 15 minute reflection and sharing of prototypes.

During the Lesson:

  • When prompted by the video, show students the materials they can use.
  • Expect a messy room during the building phase, but rest assured, cleanup is facilitated in the video’s latter half.
  • If a student faces a challenge, guide them with questions instead of solutions, e.g., “Why might it keep falling over? What could be a better material to use as legs?”


  • Bendy Straws (3-5 Per Student)
  • Jumbo Craft Sticks (3-5 Per Student)
  • Construction Paper (3-5 Pieces Per Student)
  • Optional: Card (Cereal Boxes, Paper Towel Rolls, File Folders, etc.)


  • Masking Tape (1 Roll Per 2-3 Students)
  • Scissors (1 Per 2-3 Students)

Important: You do not need to give each child their own set of materials. Make materials available and allow students to choose their builders. The video will share any constraints about the max amount of any one material they can use.

Next Steps

Each of these lessons is part of a 10-video module aligned to a grade K-5. If you enjoyed running these lessons, check out and purchase the rest of our lessons.

As design thinkers, we are constantly looking to get feedback, iterate and improve. If you could please take 5 minutes to let us know what you thought of the sample lessons, we would really appreciate it!

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Teacher Testimonials

“The skills Imagineerz develops are very much what we as teachers would love to foster all day long in our kids — problem solving, critical thinking, creativity, collaboration.”

— Carol Braunstein

Teacher, 1st Grade

“The students really took to heart the importance of the word “yet” in developing growth mindsets. It was really cool to see the kids incorporate some of the Imagineerz language.”

— Nick Prychodko

Principal, De Vargas School

“The program was really easy to implement because the videos were self-explanatory and guided my students through each step…

…building background knowledge, establishing routines, and embedding formative and summative assessments.

— Megan Heffernan

Teacher, 5th Grade

The students are learning about design thinking through simple machines and doing tasks that are actually really difficult for them to solve. They’re having fun problem solving and being creative

…I wish I could come up with these kinds of creative tasks myself, but Imagineerz does a fantastic job of it. All I have to do is press play.”

— Haley Libuit

Teacher, 4th and 5th Grade

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