Imagineerz Learning
Why Imagineerz?

Girl with Believe Sunglasses

Rooted in Research

At Imagineerz, our ethos is grounded in the profound insights of Stanford professor Dr. Carol Dweck, who discovered that children who believe in their capacity to grow intellectually perform better academically. This belief underpins our core mission to nurture an i-Can! Mindset among our campers. We’re further inspired by Walter D. Wintle’s assertion: “Life’s battles don’t always go to the faster or the stronger man. But sooner or later the man who wins is the man who thinks he can!”

Leveraging the Power of Storytelling

Positive attitudes cannot simply be switched on; they must be cultivated through how we think, communicate, and behave. At Imagineerz, we craft original i-Can! Stories that reinforce this philosophy, ensuring campers carry these empowering narratives with them long after their camp experience ends.

Campers Being Silly (Landscape)
Responding to "I'm Bored."

Fostering Independent Problem Solving

Our approach is intentionally hands-off to foster creativity and problem-solving. We provide a diverse array of materials but no step-by-step instructions, empowering campers to imagine and engineer their own creations, from makerspace projects to theatrical roles.

Language That Empowers

Feedback from parents confirms the efficacy of our language and strategies: phrases like STOP Sign and ImagiGO help children recognize and navigate obstacles. This dialogic approach equips families with tools to support their children’s growth in handling life’s challenges.

Cardboard DJ (Landscape)
Counselors and Campers Having Fun

Dedicated Counselors

Our counselors are more than supervisors; they are mentors and role models. Recruiting passionate, energetic, and empathetic staff is our priority, ensuring that every counselor can effectively support and inspire campers. This dedication to quality mentoring is crucial, as our staff play a significant role in fostering the supportive, enriching environment that Imagineerz is known for.

Curious about what to expect?  Check out First Day of Camp!

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