SEL Read Aloud: The Undefeated by Kwame Alexander

Comprehension Questions
Six questions aligned to Bloom’s taxonomy for teachers to evaluate students’ comprehension.
- Remembering: Who are some of the historical figures mentioned in The Undefeated?
- Understanding: How does the author use words and illustrations to convey emotions throughout the book?
- Applying: If you were to create a tribute similar to The Undefeated, who would you include, and why?
- Analyzing: How does Alexander’s choice of language shape the way readers experience Black history?
- Evaluating: Do you think The Undefeated is an effective way to teach history? Why or why not?
- Creating: Write your own short poem or draw a picture inspired by The Undefeated.
CASEL Discussion Questions
Five questions aligned to the CASEL competencies for teachers to foster an engaging discussion and foster social-emotional learning
- Self-Awareness: What emotions did you feel while reading The Undefeated? Why do you think you felt that way?
- Self-Management: How do the historical figures in The Undefeated demonstrate resilience in the face of struggle?
- Social Awareness: What lessons does The Undefeated teach about the importance of remembering history and honoring those who came before us?
- Relationship Skills: How can we support and uplift others in our own communities, just as those in The Undefeated fought for justice and equality?
- Responsible Decision-Making: What actions can we take today to continue the legacy of strength and perseverance highlighted in the book?
Design Thinking Challenge
Take students’ learning even further by incorporating the Imagineerz design thinking framework
Create a Tribute Portrait
- Begin by reading The Undefeated by Kwame Alexander. Discuss how the book highlights both the struggles and triumphs of Black Americans. Emphasize the importance of storytelling and artistic expression in preserving history and inspiring change.
- Ask students to reflect on:
- What emotions do the words and illustrations in The Undefeated evoke?
- How does the book honor the past while inspiring the future?
- Why is it important to remember and celebrate these individuals and their contributions?
- How can art be used to tell a powerful story?
- Now, students will brainstorm ideas for designing a tribute portrait inspired by The Undefeated. The portrait should depict a historical figure or an unnamed person representing resilience, strength, and achievement. Encourage students to think about how simple materials can be used to create a compelling visual representation.
- Ask students to brainstorm:
- Which historical figure from The Undefeated do you want to highlight?
- What expressions or symbols best convey their strength and perseverance?
- How can color, texture, and material influence the emotions conveyed in the portrait?
- What message do you want viewers to take away from your artwork?
- Students will create tribute portraits. Encourage them to experiment with cutting, layering, and assembling different elements to bring their vision to life.
- Instructions for students:
- Choose a historical figure from The Undefeated and sketch your portrait design.
- Cut out and layer different colored paper to create depth and contrast.
- Add details using markers, pencils, or additional paper to highlight key features.
- Be open to making changes and improvements as you refine your design.
- Once the portraits are complete, students will present their creations to the class. They should explain their artistic choices and how their portrait pays tribute to the themes in The Undefeated.
- During the presentations, ask students to:
- Describe how their portrait represents the themes of The Undefeated.
- Explain what changes they made throughout the creative process.
- Discuss what worked well and what they would improve.
- Offer feedback to their peers on how they could enhance their designs.
Read Aloud
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The image on this page comes from the book The Undefeated by Kwame Alexander. Copyright © 2019