SEL Read Aloud: Not Yet by Lisa Cox and Lori Hockema

In “Not Yet” by Lisa Cox and Lori Hockema, Lorisa contextualizes her successes and failures with her future aspirations. She notices patterns and draws connections between what she can (and can’t) do right now and how her experiences prepare her to do more as she grows. Climbing a rock wall will enable her to climb a mountain someday. Facing her fear of swimming will prepare her to sail on the ocean down the road. She reflects on how words, reminders, and dreams keep her motivated to keep going.
Comprehension Questions
Six questions aligned to Bloom’s taxonomy for teacher’s to evaluate students’ comprehension
- Remembering: What does Lorisa’s mom tell her when she makes mistakes?
- Understanding: What does “Not Yet” mean to Lorisa?
- Applying: How would you encourage a friend who is feeling discouraged about not being able to do something?
- Analyzing: How do Lorisa’s actions reflect her belief in the power of “yet”?
- Evaluating: How would you assess the role of Lorisa’s mom in supporting her mindset and growth?
- Creating: Write a short story about a new challenge Lorisa faces and how she overcomes it using the “Not Yet” mindset.
CASEL Discussion Questions
Five questions aligned to the CASEL competencies for teachers to foster an engaging discussion and foster social-emotional learning
- Self-Awareness: In what moments does Lorisa demonstrate an understanding of her strengths and areas for growth?
- Self-Management: How does Lorisa manage her feelings when she faces challenges or makes mistakes?
- Social Awareness: Discuss how the story illustrates the importance of supporting and encouraging others in their pursuits.
- Relationship Skills: How can sharing your dreams and challenges help build stronger relationships?
- Responsible Decision Making: Discuss a decision Larissa makes in the story that reflects her understanding of the “Not Yet” mindset.
Design Thinking Challenge
Take students’ learning even further by incorporating the Imagineerz design thinking framework
Design and create a “not yet” invention.
- Start by engaging students in a conversation about growth mindset and perseverance, drawing from Lorisa’s experiences in “Not Yet.” Discuss the meaning of “not yet” and how it applies to learning new skills and overcoming challenges.
- Brainstorm ideas for an invention that represents the concept of “not yet” – something that symbolizes growth, progress, or the journey toward achieving a goal.
- Encourage students to think of inventions that could help someone achieve a dream or overcome an obstacle, reflecting Lorisa’s journey and ambitions.
- In small groups or individually, have students sketch and then create a simple prototype of their invention using classroom materials like cardboard, craft supplies, and recyclable objects. They should focus on how their invention embodies the growth mindset and supports someone in their journey of learning or growth.
- Have students present their inventions to the class, explaining the purpose of their invention, how it works, and how it encourages the growth mindset.
- You could also have them role-play scenarios where their invention helps someone overcome a “not yet” moment, demonstrating its practicality and emotional support.
Read Aloud
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Copyright Notice
The image on this page comes from the book Not Yet by Lisa Cox and Lori Hockema. Copyright © 2017 by Lisa Cox and Lori Hockema.