SEL Read Aloud: Sam & Dave Dig a Hole by Mac Barnett

“Sam & Dave Dig a Hole” by Mac Barnett follows the adventures of Sam and Dave, who are determined to discover something spectacular as they dig a hole. As they encounter various challenges and change their plans, readers learn the valuable lesson that persistence and perseverance are key in achieving extraordinary outcomes. The book beautifully captures the essence of never giving up, even when faced with setbacks, showcasing the magic that can emerge from unexpected journeys and unyielding determination.
Comprehension Questions
Six questions aligned to Bloom’s taxonomy for teacher’s to evaluate students’ comprehension
- Remembering: How many objects do Sam and Dave narrowly avoid by changing their strategy?
- Understanding: Can you explain the reasons why Sam and Dave decide to change their digging direction in the story?
- Applying: Can you propose an alternative plan that Sam and Dave could have implemented to achieve their goal more efficiently?
- Analyzing: What clues in the text suggest that Sam and Dave’s journey will lead them to something spectacular?
- Evaluating: What lessons can readers learn from the experiences of Sam and Dave in the story?
- Creating: How could the story have been enhanced to emphasize the value of teamwork and collaboration during challenging situations?
CASEL Discussion Questions
Five questions aligned to the CASEL competencies for teachers to foster an engaging discussion and foster social-emotional learning
- Self-Awareness: What emotions do the characters experience during their journey, and how does this impact their choices?
- Self-Management: What strategies do the characters use to manage their emotions during challenging situations in the story?
- Social Awareness: How do the characters demonstrate empathy and understanding towards each other in the story?
- Relationship Skills: How do the characters demonstrate effective communication and collaboration during their mission?
- Responsible Decision Making: Can you identify instances where the characters consider the consequences of their actions before making choices?
Design Thinking Challenge
Take students’ learning even further by incorporating the Imagineerz design thinking framework
Show how to turn persevere after a series of setbacks.
- Begin by reading “Sam & Dave Dig a Hole” by Mac Barnett, focusing on the themes of perseverance, resilience, and determination in the face of challenges during the characters’ digging journey.
- Engage in a class discussion about the different obstacles encountered by Sam and Dave throughout their digging adventure and the emotions they experience along the way.
- Encourage students to reflect on the characters’ decision-making process and how they respond to setbacks.
- In small groups, have students brainstorm real-life scenarios where they have faced challenges or obstacles that required perseverance. These situations can include overcoming academic struggles, navigating interpersonal conflicts, or achieving personal goals.
- Encourage students to generate innovative solutions and strategies inspired by the perseverance of Sam and Dave in the story. Emphasize the importance of resilience and determination in the face of adversity and the role of creative problem-solving.
- Each group should select one of the brainstormed scenarios and create a visual representation (such as a storyboard, comic strip, or multimedia presentation) that showcases the process of overcoming challenges using perseverance and resilience, drawing inspiration from the experiences of Sam and Dave.
- In their designs, students should integrate key elements from the book, such as the characters’ teamwork, adaptability, and unwavering commitment to their goal. Encourage them to incorporate creative solutions and depict the importance of never giving up.
- Groups should present their prototypes to the class, explaining their thought process and the strategies used in their designs to overcome challenges.
- Facilitate a class discussion where students analyze how the presented prototypes align with the themes of the book. Encourage them to discuss the practical applications of the strategies depicted in the prototypes and how they can apply similar approaches in their own lives.
- Conclude the challenge with a reflection on the significance of perseverance and resilience, drawing parallels between the experiences of the characters in the story and the students’ own journeys.
Read Aloud
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Copyright Notice
The image on this page comes from the book Sam & Dave Dig a Hole by Mac Barnett. Copyright © 2014 by Mac Barnett.