Imagineerz@School Teaching Tip: i-Can! Stories

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Sharing i-Can! Stories in the classroom is a dynamic and engaging way to imbue students with a growth mindset while reviewing key problem-solving strategies. These narratives serve as a creative avenue to visualize challenges and triumphs, transforming obstacles into opportunities for growth and learning. Here’s how you can effectively share i-Can! Stories with students.

i-Can! Stories: A Tool for Growth

At its core, an i-Can! Story is a vibrant narrative that brings the classroom’s STOP Signs — moments where students might feel stuck, overwhelmed, or ready to give up — into focus. These stories encapsulate the essence of overcoming hurdles through perseverance, creativity, and a can-do attitude. They are not just tales of success but journeys of trial, error, and eventual triumph, making them powerful tools for teaching resilience.

Why i-Can! Stories Matter

i-Can! Stories are about more than just recounting events. They are a conduit for students to witness the practical application of growth mindset principles in real-world scenarios. By hearing about peers or characters navigating challenges successfully, students internalize the belief that they, too, can tackle their obstacles. Moreover, these stories underscore the importance of laughter and joy in learning, making the process enjoyable and memorable.

Creating an Effective i-Can! Story Experience

To ensure your i-Can! Stories resonate with students, consider these additional strategies:

  • Selecting the Storyteller: Decide who will lead the storytelling session. This person, your STOP Sign Ninja, will guide students through the narrative, embodying the resilience and inventiveness at the story’s heart.
  • Preparation Is Key: Familiarize yourself with the STOP Sign and solutions featured in the story. This preparation allows you to support the storyteller effectively, ensuring the story flows smoothly and the lessons are clear.
  • Managing Participation: While enthusiasm is encouraged, limit the number of students actively participating “on stage” to maintain focus. This ensures each student’s contributions are meaningful and the story remains coherent.
  • Interactive Storytelling: Engage students in the narrative by encouraging them to act out parts of the story. This not only makes the experience more immersive but also aids in comprehension and retention of the lessons being shared.
  • Guiding the Narrative: Use targeted questions to steer the storyteller and participants, ensuring the story’s moral is conveyed effectively. Questions like, “What did you learn from this experience?” or “How did you feel when you overcame that challenge?” prompt reflection and discussion.
  • Embrace Fun and Laughter: The spirit of i-Can! Stories is one of joy and light-heartedness. Encourage students to be playful and expressive, showing them that learning from mistakes and challenges is a positive and enjoyable part of growth.

Practice Makes Perfect

Running an i-Can! Story session that is both educational and entertaining might seem daunting at first. However, like any skill, it improves with practice. Each session is an opportunity to refine your approach, making the storytelling more effective and impactful. Over time, you’ll find that these stories not only enrich your students’ learning experience but also foster a supportive, resilient classroom culture.

In essence, i-Can! Stories are a testament to the power of a growth mindset and the belief that every challenge is a stepping stone to success. Through these narratives, students learn to approach their STOP Signs with confidence, creativity, and a readiness to learn and grow.

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